What is our Fundraiser campaign?

Our fundraising campaign is an opportunity for organizations, non-profits, churches, sports teams, etc. to fundraise with a product that is convenient and allows your organization to raise funds to support programs and projects with minimal efforts. Whether you fundraise for scholarship, educational purposes, building repairs, or simply financial income, Persona is the perfect product to fundraise with.

How to fundraise with Persona

  • Start Fundraiser Campaign: Customers contact a Helena Deneen representative to get started with a fundraiser. To start, customers will complete a short form about their Fundraising Campaign, and email the form to customerservice@helenadeneen.com). Customers may also visit our website helenadeneen.com/fundraiser to complete the short form. We meet with the organization to work out the details and fundraising time period.

  • Setup Fundraiser Campaign: Helena Deneen Representative will help customers set up a website where customers will visit to order products. Or, customers may use the manual order forms to collect orders. If customers prefer the manual form, a package will be emailed or our customers may download the package from the website.

  • Fundraiser Website: Each customer will have a special web address assigned to your organization to fundraise. This website is convenient because it is an effective way for both parties to track sales and funds raised.

  • Manual Fundraiser: When you manually fundraise, you use our fundraising form to calculate orders. This method is used by many organizations and is also effective.

  • Execute Fundraiser: Customers order their items and the organizations and/or program submits their order. Fundraising forms have been sent to a Helena Deneen rep. and customers are now waiting for their orders to be filled. Once we have fulfilled the order, we communicate with the organization’s point of contact to deliver the complete order. It is the organization’s responsibility to deliver orders to its clients or members.

  • Close Fundraiser: Thank you letters will be sent to organizations that fundraised with Helena Deneen. We will also create a report where we analyze the successes of your fundraiser.

Benefits to fundraising with Persona

Fundraising Possibilities

Fundraising Possibilities

1.      Team Building.
2.     Promotion.
3.     Increase organization’s revenue to satisfy mission objectives. Receive significant donations back to your organization!  Helena Deneen offers organizations an opportunity to obtain $5 of each item purchased at the retail price (currently $19.99) by their members, family and friends.  The table below provides examples of how lucrative this opportunity is for your organizations.

Our fundraising program provides organization and easy and effortless way to raise substantial income to operate, offer scholarships, implement programs.